
A Few Facts About Me

  • I am fluent in English and Hebrew - שלום! Though I'm pretty sure my mother tongue is PHP.
  • I'm an entrepreneur; besides starting my own company (visit Projects for more details), I've attended Triangle Startup Weekend thrice (and won 3rd place and people's choice at Triad SW!) and volunteered at Triangle Entrepreneurship Week.
  • I was on the front page of a newspaper!
  • I look both ways before crossing a one-way street.
  • My favorite color is green, and has been since I first watched the movie Flubber.
I love software development because it gives me the opportunity to develop unique and creative solutions to problems.

What Am I Up To Right Now?

My New Thing:

Code doesn't lie.

Last updated: October 9th, 2020

For a more detailed explanation of what's going on in my life right now, read my latest blog post: ....

This page was inspired by Derek Sivers and is featured on

Tomer's Always Up-to-Date Resume

My Projects


  • Brillicity
    Brillicity A programmer's obligatory blog. Latest post: ...

    A simple Wordpress blog where I post about my new releases, products in the pipeline and my overall thoughts.

  • Shifted
    Shifted Use your Imagination for the Caps Lock Key

    Have you ever wondered why the Caps Lock key takes up so much of your keyboard yet you never seem to use it that often? Me too. Shifted enables you to take full advantage of the Caps Lock key functionality.

  • CleanIcons
    CleanIcons Download icon fonts as PNG's

    When creating logos or graphics for my personal projects, I often need simple icons to build out basic PNG's. This entirely front-end, static, Github Pages hosted tool is the result of that need!

  • Homepage
    Homepage A simple, standalone, self-hosted PHP page that is your window to your server and the web.

    As a self hosted hobbyist, I built a configurable homepage project that is the entryway to one's home server. Simple, minimalist, self hosted.

  • GroupMailer
    GroupMailer Send personalized, yet templated emails without a hitch.

    The idea for GroupMailer was born while I working as a TA at NC State University: An automated way to send out grades to students without copious amounts of copying and pasting from Excel sheets.

  • BetterMeta
    BetterMeta A simple API to return the meta tags of any site in JSON format.
  • ShowBallot
    ShowBallot Vote on the songs you want to hear at live shows.

    Gone are the days of your favorite artist not playing the songs you want to hear at their concerts. Introducing ShowBallot!

  • Superbetize
    Superbetize Your grocery shopping, optimized.

    A mobile-centered site to help speed up your grocery shopping trip. Paste in your list, and this site will categorize everything for you.

  • Homes, Sweet Homes CMS
    Homes, Sweet Homes CMS A content management system for managing homes.

    A custom-built PHP content management system for managing your investment rental homes.

  • Glomerate.Me
    Glomerate.Me Exchange info...blindfolded.

    A Google Apps Script for Gmail built during a HackNC hackathon.

  • FCCheck
    FCCheck A bookmarklet handy to radio DJ's.

    A bookmarklet that will highlight all 7 of the FCC's dirty words on any given web page.

  • BaDumChh
    BaDumChh - Deprecated A daily one-liner joke text service.

    A texting service that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face, once a day. Read more about BaDumChh and the story behind it.


  • AllLaws
    AllLaws An app for quick reference of state laws.

    An iOS app that allows users to download in app content for quick reference to different state laws. Includes bookmarking, adjusting font size, and day/night modes.

  • Notely
    Notely Type while you text without tripping over your shoes!

    An iOS app that allows users to type on their phone while they're walking while still seeing where they're going. Built on Jasonette in one day.

  • CampusCruizer
    Campus Cruizer, LLC A designated driver service for college students.

    A taxi-like system built from the ground up (API, web site, iOS app) to help students find a safe ride home. Services used include Braintree Payments, Twilio, Zurb Foundation, and many more.

  • CrunkDial
    CrunkDial - Deprecated Drunk calling is no fun unless you share with everyone!

    An iOS application that allows you to drunk dial friends from a list you prepare beforehand. A free, ad-supported version is also available.

My Freelance Portfolio